I think Google is the best search engine. You can get what you want if you search it correctly eg:-
For specific phrases use " " eg: "red flower"
For words which must appear use + sign eg: +red
For words which should not appear use - sign eg: -white
If you don't know the full word use * and ? sign eg: flo?er, flow*
You can also search within results from bottom of the search page.
You can use it as a calculator also eg: search for "(2+3)*(44-9)" without quotes
Or as a converter eg: Search for "1 USD to INR" without quotes
and lots more...
I guess after Google, you will like to search an item on Bing. Though Google is the best of the three, I recently switched to Bing because of the following reasons, first, it seems faster than yahoo and msn. Another thing I liked about Bing is that the search results seem more relevant and there are no sponsored results on top of the page like Google has. Also, every search result that is displayed in the search results page has a short briefing attached to it that pops up after you hover your mouse over the link. This short thing description helps you find the appropriate result rightly matched to your query. So, if you were to ask me, I will certainly prefer Bing after Google.Which is the best search engine besides Google?
Google is the best search engine I have ever used. There is no other search engine in comparison to Google.
The reason you might be facing is that you are searching for a particular product. Google is basically for research and information. For product search you should try Yahoo.com which is the second best search engine or you can also try bing.com (the new child in the family of search engines).
There are many more search engines in the web world.Which is the best search engine besides Google?
For me also happen same thing while searching on net.
so, i found a website
www.dogpile.com (you can get result from google,yahoo,bing,ask ) at a time.
Have you here real time search engine.
It give search from all over the world.
At the same time it shows searches from digg,twitter,deleicious etc..
still you can't find a better results from above
i found a website on net yesterday .
I hope it will helpful
here you can get more search engine
choose your own engine
Try Yahoo or Bing search.
Google is the best of the three, but if you don't get the results you want, try the remaining two. As per their agreement, in US, Yahoo gets the search result from Bing. Yahoo just has to do the work of presenting the search results in a different manner and place advertisements on the pages. The search index will be that of Bing.
Google is the most accurate search engine. You just need to learn how to use it correctly.
Read these two pages to help you refine your search to find what you're looking for...
Here's a site I personally use for search engine plug- ins. They also have different search engines listed too.
Are you a shill for Yahoo or something
Theres really only two search engines, yahoo and google. They are like firefox and explorer. Sure there are other search engines out there in all likelihood but they are like a fat girl don't tell your friends.
I prefer YaHoo Search
over Bing and the others myself
I seem to get more direct results
from YaHoo than the others
i think the best one is google although i dont always get the best results there, so i also use yahoo alongside.
Google is best, because No : 1 Search engine for the world
You can go for
Rediff search
Yahoo search
try refining your search term.
try out rediff search
best 20 in the Globe
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